Almond esprit 50 ml


  • Straight from the distillery
  • You can pick it up at our liquor store in Amsterdam from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 5 pm
  • If in stock, your order will be shipped within 48 hours on working days via PostNL


For distilling almonds you need the fines raw almonds you can buy. For our almond-esprit we only use spanish almonds which produce the finest flavor. Although experienced tasters can recognize the almond flavor immediately, not practiced tasters find difficulties in tasting almond.

Fresh almonds used in pastry, bonbons, cremes, mousses, ice-cream, bavaroise or warm dishes tend to be overruled by other flavors. Especially when they’re combined with gras ingredients such as cream and butter. Van Wees Almond esprit provides your almond products just the support it needs to help the inexperienced taster to experience true almond.

Distilled from almonds.