Mocca esprit 200 ml


  • Straight from the distillery
  • You can pick it up at our liquor store in Amsterdam from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 5 pm
  • If in stock, your order will be shipped within 48 hours on working days via PostNL


This esprit is distilled and extracted from three different types of coffee. A delicious product to work with as you will notice. Use our Mocca esprit in icecream, mocca-creme, bavaroise  and chocolate.

Tip: For a delicious Mocca creme: Ingrediënts: 125 gram koffiepowder, 25 gram water, 100 gram mocca esprit. How to work: Mix powder and water and warm it to solve the coffeepowder completely. Add the Mocca esprit. Add this solution to your creme. You may experiment as well with, cognac, whisky and arac esprit

Distilled from coffee.